Local Community Resources
Age UK
Provides services such as an adviceline, activity groups, walking groups, digital inclusion.
Can provide information and advice on: Money and legal support, health and wellbeing, care and support, work and learning, hobbies.
Phone Age UK Advice Line: 0800 678 1602
Phone line is open between 8am - 7pm.
For South Gloucestershire Adviceline: 01454 411 707
Got to Age UK South Gloucestershire website: Welcome to Age UK South Gloucestershire
North Bristol Advice Centre
Provides debt and welfare benefit support working across North Bristol and South Gloucestershire
Phone North Bristol Advice Centre Helpline: 0117 951 5751
Open Monday to Thursday 10am – 2pm
Go to the North Bristol Advice Centre website: Help and advice | NBAC (northbristoladvice.org.uk)
Citizen’s Advice
Advice on benefits, work, debt, housing, family, law, immigration, health, bills.
Visit Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire website: Advice from Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire (southgloscab.org.uk)
Phone: 0800 144 8848
Bereavement support
Cruse provides information, and a helpline run by trained bereavement volunteers, who offer emotional support to anyone affected by grief.
They also offer ongoing support sessions with a trained Bereavement Volunteer, though there is a waiting list for this service.
Phone the Bereavement Support Helpline: 0808 808 1677
Go to Cruse website: www.cruse.org.uk/get-support/
Grief Encounter - For children and young people
Grief Encounter offers a helpline, workshops, counselling, and practical support.
The helpline is available between 9am-9pm, Monday to Friday.
Phone the helpline: 0808 802 0111
or email: grieftalk@griefencounter.org.uk
Go to Grief Encounter website: www.griefencounter.org.uk
Services Directory
Bereavement support services for Bristol and South Gloucestershire
Carer’s support
Carer’s Support Centre
Adviceline, Support groups, courses, and one-to-one support for carers in Bristol and South Gloucestershire.
They take both self-referrals and referrals from professionals.
CarersLine is a confidential phone and email information and support service.
Phone: 0117 965 2200
Mon - Fri: 10am – 1pm
Mon - Thurs: 2pm – 4pm
(Closed on Bank Holidays)
Go to Carer's Support Centre website: www.carerssupportcentre.org.uk
Council Support
South Gloucestershire Council services
Adult social care
Go to the South Gloucestershire Council website page for Adult Social Care: Adults | South Gloucestershire (southglos.gov.uk)
Phone: 01454 868007
Go to the South Gloucestershire Council website page for housing: Housing | BETA - South Gloucestershire Council (southglos.gov.uk)
Phone: 01454 868005
Cost of Living Support
Go to the South Gloucestershire Council website page for benefits: Cost of living help | BETA - South Gloucestershire Council (southglos.gov.uk)
Cost of living and financial support enquiries (freephone): 0800 953 7778
Community Transport
Community transport provides safe, accessible transport for people who cannot use public transport due to disability, age, or lack of availability.
Bristol City Council: Community and disabled persons transport (bristol.gov.uk)
Bristol Community Transport: www.bristolcommunitytransport.org
Phone: 0117 244 7337
Crisis Support
If you feel unable to keep yourself safe, please ring 999
Listening support service
Phone: 116 123
Go to Samaritans website: Contact Us | Samaritans
Text "SHOUT" to 85258 to contact the Shout Crisis Text Line, or text "YM" if you're under 19
If you're under 19, you can also call 0800 1111 to talk to Childline. The number will not appear on your phone bill.
Mind (Bristol)
Go to Mind Bristol website: Bristol Mind - Support types Crisis & Suicidal Thoughts
Foodbank and Emergency Financial Support
The Trussell Trust
Open Mon-Fri 9-5 (apart from public holidays):
- Making foodbank referrals
- Making benefits claims and assessing benefits entitlement
- Identifying grants
Helping access emergency support for affording essentials
Phone: 0808 208 2138
Go to the Trussell Trust website: Help through Hardship helpline - The Trussell Trust
Green Social Prescribing
Directory of local organisations offering outdoor and nature-based activities and services
Housing and Homelessness
Shelter is a national housing charity and offers an emergency helpline, online housing advice, and a webchat.
Call Shelter emergency national helpline: 0808 8004444
Please call during opening hours if you are homeless, have nowhere to stay tonight, are worried about losing your home, or at risk of harm or abuse.
Bristol City Council
Phone: 0117 352 6800
Available Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9am to 4pm
Wednesday 10am - 4pm
Go to the Bristol City Council website: https://northbristoladvice.org.uk/help-and-advice/other-advice/housing-advice/
Handbook Directory
Handbook with directory of resources. Caring in Bristol has two handbooks to support individuals experiencing or at risk of homelessness, or housing insecurity, or being in crisis.
Inclusive sport
Sports clubs around the city that are inclusive to and made for people with disabilities.
Mental Health Support
VitaMinds is a free service working in partnership with the NHS to offer a range of short-term Talking Therapies for issues such as depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, excessive worry, or low mood.
Go to VitaMinds website: NHS Talking Therapies - North Somerset & South Gloucestershire (vitahealthgroup.co.uk)
You can submit an online form, webchat, or ring the following number to self-refer
Phone: 0333 200 1893
Mind (National Support)
We support by offering help whenever you might need it through our information, advice and local services.
Go to Mind website: Home - Mind
Phone Mind Infoline: 0300 123 3393
Email: info@mind.org.uk
For Under 25s: Off the record
Runs hubs, groups, 1-2-1 therapies, and workshops for 11-25s
Visit Off the Record website: Home - OTR (otrbristol.org.uk)
Email: hello@otrbristol.org.uk
Mind Service Directory
Mind Bristol directory of local and national resources as well as resources specific to:
- Advocacy & Legal Support
- Alcohol & Drugs
- Anger
- Anxiety
- Autism & ADHD
- BAME & Culturally Specific Services
- Bereavement & Grief
- Carers & Family
- Children & Young People
- Counselling & Therapy
- Crisis & Suicidal Thoughts
- Disabilities
- Domestic Abuse
- Eating Disorders
- Employment & Work
- Families & Relationships
- Gambling
- Gender Identity
- Helplines & Webchats
- Hoarding
- Housing & Homelessness
- Loneliness & Isolation
- Men
- Money & Finances
- NHS & Statutory Services
- OCD & Phobias
- Older People
- Practical Support
- Pregnancy & Postnatal Mental Health
- Pregnancy Loss
- Rape & Sexual Assault
- Refugees & Asylum Seekers
- Self-Help Tools
- Self-Injury
- Service User & Survivor forums
- Social and Wellbeing Activities and Community Groups
- Students
- Support for Parents
- Support Groups
- Unplanned Pregnancy & Abortion
- Victims of Crime
- Women
Support for parents and new parents
Read the NHS Guide: Services and support for parents - NHS (www.nhs.uk)
Bristol City Council
Go to the Bristol City Council website:Help for parents (bristol.gov.uk)
Refugees and Asylum Seekers
Support, activities, supplies, and sanctuary for Refugees and People Seeking Asylum in Bristol
Go to Aidbox website: www.aidboxcommunity.co.uk
Bristol Refugee rights
Offers advice, signposting, & welcome services.
Helpline Call/ Text/ WhatsApp: 07526 352353
Go to Bristol Refugee rights website: www.bristolrefugeerights.org/how-we-help/i-need-help-i-start/
Victim Support
In an emergency, call 999.
Victim Support
- Helps anyone affected by crime.
- No matter when the crime took place, or whether it has been reported it to the police.
- Can help create a safety plan, understand rights, connect to services, and support networks, help finding ways to cope
Phone the support line: 08 08 16 89 111
Go to Victim Support website: www.victimsupport.org.uk/
Rape and sexual abuse service. Can also provide women’s mental health and domestic abuse services.
Open Mon-Fri: 8.30am – 5.30pm
Phone: 0333 323 1543
Go to Safelink website:Safe Link – transforming victims' lives (safelinksupport.co.uk)
Bristol Hate Crime and Discrimination Services
Support for hate crime victims
Phone: 0800 171 2272
Got to the Bristol Hate Crime and Discrimination Services website: Home | Bristol Hate Crime and Discrimination Services (bhcds.org.uk)
To find more support:
Bristol Mind:
Disclaimer: Mendip Vale Social Prescribing works to ensure that the resources listed here are legitimate, but cannot guarantee the accuracy of external links. We cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage which may occur from the use of this information. Please be aware that the inclusion of any organisation’s name within these pages should not be considered as a recommendation or endorsement of that organisation, their products, or their services.